Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Where's my roller skates and drink with an umbrella in it? (Spring break looks 2!)

Here's my second spring break look! I hope you're all enjoying your spring breaks! I'm spending mine working 50 hours this week! ;) I chose this look because it's super cheap and simple for when you're running out the door to the beach or to wherever! Also I curled my ponytail and add some texture, and you can't tell by the pictures, but i put some purple hair chalk in to make this look even more fun! 

Sunglasses : Birthday present from Sophi 
Earrings, Crop Top, Bodycon, and Chambray : Forever 21 
Gladiators: American Eagle

The great part is the dress was literally only $5, and everything else was under $15. (except the shoes but we're not going to talk about those)

This was the hair chalk I used and it's only $5 at WalMart! You can see the other colors it comes in on the side of the box. As messy as it gets, it actually works. I wouldn't recommend putting it on AFTER you curl your hair, but overall I think it works really well for $5! The color is clear and noticeable it stuck okay. For $5 i say go for it! I'm hoping to chose more spring break looks this week! See ya laters cuties 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sprang brake lewkz

ARE Y'ALL READY FOR SPRANG BRAAAAKE???? I would be too but i work everyday oops. Anyways, this is kind of a later gram ootd (am i allowed to say instagram terms outside of instagram?) But I wanted to get excited about spring break through my outfits, even if I can't fully enjoy it! Even though this outfit is kind of dark, I loved the cute daises and and the cut of this onesie, bringing out the spring-time look. I paired with the summer-y white converse and the snapback, brought together with the military jacket. I also think hoop earrings are super fun and bring a fun flare to any outfit. 

Hat and skirt : PacSun
Onesie, military jacket, sunglasses : Forever 21
Converse : Journeys 


My jacket and purse are from Forever 21 :)

I ombréd my hair at my house with L'oreal's wild ombré kit! 

I thought this kit was really easy to use and straightforward and did a really awesome job. I loved the results and was way cheaper than getting it professionally done. I didn't do too much of my hair because i still love my red hair so much. I'm hoping to post better pictures of my hair soon, and hopefully I'll have more fun spring break looks! Ciao my loves!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Prom, Surfing, Fashion Shows, And Even More Selfies

Hello one and all! I'm still working two jobs and i'm busy all the time, but a lot of cool stuff has happened in the past two weeks! 

First, my little Ela went to prom and I did her hair and makeup! I got to use my little milkmaid braids on her and they looked awesome! I also used a classic and old school look for her makeup and she looked stunning. She wore a vintage, red velvet dress, with her black pointed heels, and super classy chandelier earrings. She definitely stole the show (or at least i assume so because I didn't actually go to her prom.) Anyway, here are some insanely cute pictures of her. 

Secondly, I sewed up a pair of surf shorts for my friend Shelby for her to wear while she Paddle boards! She is a sponsored Paddle Boarder and is trying to start her own line of these little shorts. We collaborated ideas and came out with these shorts! What a little cutie. 

Third, being apart of the Fashion Technology program at UHMC has given me so many opportunities, including being an amateur make up artist! Ivori is one of the designers for the IMUA Fantastia Ball, and this is Nikki, her model! Ivori was inspired by this look! 

(Kind of bad resolution but I couldn't find a better one) 

and this is this is what I re-created! 

 ( I am SO jealous of her big luscious lips!!)

And last but not least, here was my ootd for today!

Sweater, onesie, and pants are all from Forever 21 (as always)

I'm on location at my sister's bed room because we were too lazy to walk downstairs to take pictures outside. 

I'm still really into this boho chic revival because it gives me an excuse to wear flow-y, comfy clothes all the time. I paired the relaxed sweater and pants with the leopard onesie to spice up this look. Also i bought the most GORGEOUS lip stain, and i wanted to match it. 

I used revlon's colorstay lip stain "rendevouz" and it's pretty perfect for $8 at the drugstore. 
(It's the bright orange one)

I also invested in replacing my makeup brushes, because i have had the same ones for way too long and they were shedding all over my face and i hated it. But all my makeup went on flawlessly today because all my tools were so fresh and clean, making the lip color look absolutely fabulous. If you're like me and have an obsession with lipstick, I highly recommend buying some of these because they go on so easy and are so cheap and look fantastic. Also I know some people are afraid of trying out these weird colors, but they're so perfect for summer and it spices up any outfit!!

(and here are more selfies and i'm still not sorry)


I'm going to try and post way more often and keep committed!! See all you lil cuties later.